My Story Project: Letter to Rosy (by Amira)
Rosy Rbeca Ennis, Ireland
22 February 2018
Dear Rosy,
I miss you so much. But, I like it here in Morocco because I go to the beach every day. But I miss you still. I go to the mosque sometimes. I have lots of friends but I still wish you were here. Do you like traveling? Would you like to go to Morocco?
Remember, when I met you in London you were sightseeing. If you come to visit me here we could go sightseeing together.
Yours sincerely,
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Anon)
Once upon a time there was a tree named Dylan.
And every day Dylan grows taller.
Until one day Dylan breaks!
And because of that Dylan grows again.
And because of that Dylan grows to the moon.
Until finally a boy, also named Dylan, cuts the tree.
And ever since Dylan broke again.
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Zino)
Once upon a time there was a space door.
And every day it was trying to get to the moon.
Until one day it got to the moon.
And because of that it was powered.
And because of that it was there in a jiffy.
Until finally it got back to earth.
And ever since it was happy.
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Sofia)
Once upon a time there was a gentle doctor.
And every day she has a visitor.
Until one day no one wanted her anymore.
And because of that they hugged her.
And because of that they gave her a kiss.
Until finally they always went to the doctor.
And ever since they lived happily ever after in the Crystal Castle.
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Lily)
Once upon a time there was a cow and a goat.
And every day they, the farmers, got milk from them and sold it to the market.
Until one day the cow and the goat ran away.
And because of that the farmers couldn’t get milk. They were sad.
And because of that they were looking everywhere in the world. Because the goat and the cow went to the moon and they couldn’t go there, because they were not astronauts.
Until finally the cow and the goat came back because they missed the farm. The farmers found the cow and the goat.
And ever since they lived happily ever after.
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Lilly)
Once upon a time a little girl went to the lake to feed the ducks and someone pushed her in the bushes. And it was a monster!
And every day he bit her because he eats everyone around the world. Bri Bri was the name of the monster.
Until one day the monster went away.
And because of that a magical princess came. She is really good. Her magic is very strong because it is made of metal.
And because of that she became friends with the little girl.
Until finally the little girl’s sister arrived. But, that day someone killed the little princess.
And ever since a fairy called Tinker Bell is protecting the little girl.
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Jake)
Once upon a time there was a man called Jack. He was very polite and kind. He was sometimes rude but very strong.
And every day he went to play football in other countries like Germany and Brazil and he went to the gym.
Until one day he was playing football and slide tackled a player. Then he got a red card and complained to the referee and pushed him. When they were fighting the police came and took them both out the stadium.
And because of that he had to go to the police station with the referee. And went to court.
And because of that the police said to them they have to stay in prison for one month.
Until finally he came out of prison and the referee and Jack were friends.
And ever since he would play football kindly and politely. And taught his children and wife how to play football properly.
My Story Project: My 7-Sentence Story (by Jack)
Once upon a time there was a man who was called Jake and he was sometimes nice and sometimes rude.
And every day he would go to the park and play football and play some other games.
Until one day when he got home he had a problem with his finger. All of them were chopped off because he was so mad he wanted to stab the knife on the table. He was so frustrated, he ended up chopping his fingers. ALL TEN FINGERS!
And because of that he decided to have prosthetic fingers.
And because of that he could bend his finger all the way back, play football more skilfully and he wouldn’t have to worry about anything anymore.
Until finally he could climb Mount Everest with no trouble.
And ever since his whole life changed like he was a brand new person.