TTLCIC - Talking maths and thinking skills

Talking Maths and Thinking Skills

  TTLCIC - Talking Maths and Thinking Skills

Did you know that talking about maths problems is beneficial for students learning maths? The process improves reasoning skills and helps them understand why a solution works, rather than memorising and rote learning. When children enjoy writing or doing maths, they actually grow in confidence and enjoy learning more. They feel comfortable thinking and talking about maths.

Talking about mathematics improves reasoning skills and helps children understand why a solution works, rather than just memorising and rote learning. Structured group work develops individuals' competence in solving problems.

In formal teaching environments for many learners mathematics is a topic that teachers control. Encouraging learners to come up with their own examples enables them to experience being mathematicians.

For more info please visit and Get in Touch.


Facilitator: Talk Together London team

Date & Time: 2017 - 2018 Wednesday afternoons TERM TIME 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Venue: Canalside House

Ticket: Places may be limited. By appointment only.

Reserve your spot.

Category: After school numeracy activities for 5 - 19 year olds


For more info please visit and Get in Touch.


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